''Pop stars are, to some extent, symbolic vehicles with which young women understand themselves more fully, even if by doing so they partly shape their personalities to fit the stars' alleged preferences'' - Paul Willis, 1990
In this quote, Paul Willis is explaining how young women see pop stars more as a life role model than instead of just liking the songs. He is explaining how the stars lifestyle would make the young women alter the way they are living and make changes to be like the star. This could mean changing their hairstyle, clothing, attitude, however by doing so it could make things worse for the woman as things may change in other peoples attitude towards them.
(Above is an image that relates to this matter. These are images of young women changing their look to look like their favorite singer Nicki Minaj.)
I however disagree with the writers point of view. This is because i myself listen to music and really enjoy it however would not change or shape my personality to an artists way of living. Also i know many young women that really love listening to Pop Songs and they only listen as they enjoy the music. It is not necessarily always that a female would shape themselves to a stars image. I believe that only happens on rare occasions.
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