Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Task 21: Initial thought for our music video

In the lesson today we were brainstorming our first thoughts for what we wanted to put into our music video, in particular we were talking about costume and location which are the most important feature of any music video because the main thing that you need to do with the music video is to make it look good which is why for location we have chosen to use regents canal as the backdrop for our music video, we also thought that it would look good if we chose a really nice park as well because we feel that both of these locations will go really well with the tone of the song.

In terms of costumes we thought that it would be a good idea to use dark clothing because the soundtrack that we have chosen is really emotional so we feel that it wouldn't be appropriate if we were to use really bright vibrant colours. It is really important in music videos that you make it look believable which means that if it is a sad song then you need to make the accompanying video around the song.

Overall we are all really exited about the concepts that we have come up with, the last thing that we discussed in the lesson was the idea that we should have some kind of story throughout the video because it is a sad song which meant that straight away we all thought of some really good ideas. We all said that it would be good if we told a story of a couple who broke up and we were telling the story of this women who had finally broken free from this loveless relationship.

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