Friday, 30 November 2012
My thoughts on our final music video:
After finishing our final edit of our music video this week, I feel pleased with the end production as I feel that our well planned plan worked out well, as all the aspects that we wished to include are shown in our music video. Our sucess of our music video has been mainly developed through our decisions whilst editing such as the choice of black and white to create an emotional atmosphere when watching our music video. It also has been achieved through careful planning as from the beginning we had planned to merge a shot of our singer looking back on her past realtionship, this went to plan without even using green screen as it was achieved by remaining the camera in the exact same place and correcly framing each shot, then merging them together when editing on final cut pro. Lastly I would just like to say that I feel that our music video reaches out to the aimed arget audience of young girls and women aswell as telling a clear story, as when watching the music video young women and girls may feel slighly emotional as they can relate to their past break ups.
Skills development:
Editing a music video is much different from creating a thriller opening in AS as there are more and different element which you have to do when creating our own original music video. Whilst editing and creating a music video you have to do the following, mark the base tracks with markers ensuring that our performer is lip synced to the soundtrack of our chosen song. Also more transitions are used such as cross dissolves and fades to link most common shots together. Also different effects on the video footage to create different moods and atmosphere for the audience, for example our music video is in black and white as we wanted to give our music video a dull feeling to make our audience feel emotional towards our music video, also we wanted our chosen audience of young girls and women to sympathise or relate to our female solo artist when watching our music video.
This is the effect that we used throughout the whole of our music video as we thought that it gives our music video an emotional aspect.
This is our use of transition between different shots we have added a numerous amount of cross fades in this part of our music video as we put many flashbacks together. We thought that it worked better with the use of fades as it flows together better.
Sinead O'connor- Nothing compared to you:
After Tony watched our music video he showed us this music video by Sinead O'Connor, a top hit from around 1990. The reason in which he showed us this simple music video is because the use of the performers climax throughout the song as the way in which she sings the song changes as when singing towards the end the artist gets emotional as she begins to cry. Tony showed us this as in our music video our performers emotion stays the same through out, Tony suggested that it may look better if we have seen our performer change the facial expression and her emotional state to express her inner emotional feelings, to show a climax within her performance.
Thursday, 29 November 2012
Thoughts about finished product...
In today's lesson we finally finished our music video a full two days before the final deadline, i think as a group we are all really happy with the way that our music video has turned out because we really did put a lot of time and effort into planning this music video down to the ground, nearly all of the shots that you see in the video were all planned before we actually took them, planning was always really important to us because you cant just turn up on set and make it up as you go along because then it will just get confusing and will effect the overall outcome.
Skills Development...
When we did our practice music video back in summer, I felt that we really struggled to make a really strong music video, the reason is because know one really knew how to edit with final cut, so when we looked at our final product it was not nearly as good as it should have been which is why this time I was determined to get the most out of this opportunity and make the best possible music video.
This time around I felt like all the members of the group really knew what we were doing and I feel like our hard work and dedication is reflected in the music video that we all produced, With all the skills that we have picked up over the last two years we all felt really confident when it came to going out to film, because we learnt from last year when we did our thriller film that the camera shots are the most important aspect of any piece of media.
During this task we have enhanced a number of skill such as...
Teamwork: This is the most important part of media because you are constantly working in a team to get the most out of the day so that you can create the best media product that you can, it is important that you communicate with the whole group to keep the morale up because if you don't get on with all the members of the group then it may have a significant effect on the outcome.
Editing: This is really important as well because after you have all the shots for your product you need to make sure that they all link together to make a smooth product because if even one shot is out of place it will effect the whole product for example in our music video it is important that the performer is in sync with the song and we do this by matching up the shots with the soundtrack.
Wednesday, 28 November 2012
Dilemma of the day:
A major dilemma has occured this week as our performer has turned seriously ill, this has stopped us from filming any extra shots which we planned to do after recieving feedback from our rough cut. As we had planned to go out and take some close ups and some more moving shots. This is a shame as we felt that filming once more would improve aspects of our music video. To over come this we have had no choice but to use our video footage of what we already had to complete our music video.
Get well soon Aaliyah. :( x
Get well soon Aaliyah. :( x
Finished our Music video
Finally finished editing our video
In todays lesson we was editing non-stop to insure that we finally finish our music video in time for the deadline which is on the 30th of November. Overall we are all happy with the outcome of our music video because we put alot of time in planning and producing, so we was really glad once we saw our video finally put together. Also we are the first group to finish a music video which made us proud abour ourselves!Below Are ScreenShots of Our Final Video :D ENJOY
Errors whilst editing
Errors and changes
At first we used a cross dissolve in this picture however we had to change it because it gave an unexpected error as the audience could clearly see that the shot was split half.
To fix this error we deleted that transition and used the dip to color transition effect which fixed our problem thus giving a better look to our video.
Process of editing...
Today we have edited our video and have just almost done our final video. However there are still some bit that we need help on doing. These things are what we as a group do not know to to fix or alter. However we discussed as a group that the video that we have produced is excellent. Today we did not have one of the key members of the team attend which made it hard for us to make official decision. However as she is really determined to do well she was making sure we tell her before making any decisions. Also she contributed through text messages and phone calls during our editing session.
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In this picture the marker represents where we had difficulties editing. |
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These are the editing options we used. As you can see our last effect was 'dip to colour dissolve'. |
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