Friday, 30 November 2012

Skills development:

Editing a music video is much different from creating a thriller opening in AS as there are more and different element which you have to do when creating our own original music video. Whilst editing and creating a music video you have to do the following, mark the base tracks with markers ensuring that our performer is lip synced to the soundtrack of our chosen song. Also more transitions are used such as cross dissolves and fades to link most common shots together. Also different effects on the video footage to create different moods and atmosphere for the audience, for example our music video is in black and white as we wanted to give our music video a dull feeling to make our audience feel emotional towards our music video, also we wanted our chosen audience of young girls and women to sympathise or relate to our female solo artist when watching our music video.

This is the effect that we used throughout the whole of our music video as we thought that it gives our music video an emotional aspect.

This is our use of transition between different shots we have added a numerous amount of cross fades in this part of our music video as we put many flashbacks together. We thought that it worked better with the use of fades as it flows together better.

Here is our soundtrack which we began with, the first thing we had to do when editing was to mark the soundtrack.

This is one of our base tracks which we used in our music video before including this base track in our music video we had to use markers in order for our performer to correctly lip sync with our sound track.

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