Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Comparison with my AS work...

Last year I feel that my AS work went ok but I did find it very stressful because there just was not enough time for us to shoot all of our footage in the given amount of time, and because of this we ended up with a very average thriller opening, we did not really spend that much time thinking about the choice of location or the use of props but this year we have been tasked to produce a music video by a British artist and I defiantly feel like a lot more time spent planning has gone into this projects because all the members of the group are all really keen to produce the best possible music video we the resources that we have.

The main difference from last year is that we thought long and hard about where we should film our music video because it was important to us that we chose the right location for the right genre of music, but i feel that the locations that we went with matched really well with the song that we chose because it is a really slow and emotional song. The location that e chose was Regents Canal and Finsbury Park mainly because we felt that water and and trees would really mix nicely and create the right effect that we wanted.

Another major factor when it comes to changes from last year is the we really dident spend any time at all really thinking about what props we needed in our thriller film, and because of this we ended up with a really boring piece of course work. But this year we spent a lot of time planning the kind of costumes that we will be needing for our music video, We used about 3 completely different costumes throughout this whole project which I think will really improve the overall quality of the music video.

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