Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Merging clips together...

straight from the start of this project we wanted to merge to clips together to make them look really professional, the idea was that we would take our shot of the performer singing in front of the bench and merge that shot with a flashback that we shot of the couple sitting on the bench as a couple, we were hesitant to try this because just saying it made our heads spin so we good week debating it and getting advice from our teachers.

The initial response from our teachers was that we could do it but we would have to use the green screnn, but then if we did we would have to make sure that our perfromer was standing in the exact same position as she was in the park, because if she was standing in a completly different place then it woul complety destroy the continuity of the music video.

When we were editing all of our shots using final cut we realized that there was a much simpler way to merge the clips togetherk, al we needed to do was simply place the flashback over the base track that we wanted to merge with and then double click on the flashback and crop hald of the image so on the left side of the shot we have the flashback with the couple on the bench and on the right side we have the performer singing to our audince.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Danny
    this post is desperate for some visual examples!!!! Put in some screen grabs!
