Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Evaluation Question 4

Evaluation Question 4

During our video in the cinema i believe the audience really liked it and got really into the video itself. Throughout the video the audience stayed really quiet i believe as they did not want to miss out on the video as it almost tells a really emotional story.

From our feedback we heard many nice things from people who really liked our video. 'I LOVED IT' is what many students reaction was about the video. This really was nice to hear as it showed the hard work we put in for the work had actually paid off.

There were two parts of our video that the audience really liked which were the flashback scenes and the scene were we had merged two scenes together. I really liked hearing this as it showed that we had worked hard even when coming up with the storyboard and had actually stuck with it and made it come to life. I had learned from the student feedback that we had worked really hard and that our teamwork was superb.

Below are screenshots of the merging scene that i personally thought was really good and was best by far in editing of our video:

Below is one person we had interviews after the filming:

After watching our video we had interviewed some students about what they liked abut our video and what improvements that we could make. Below is a clip of one student who's we feel reaction to our video was rather amazing. The first that she had said is 'I loved it!' This made us as a group realise that we had actually really done well and it turned out how we wished it to. We asked her what was her favourite scene/effect that we had done in the video. Her reply to this was 'i loved the moving bit of the camera.' This specially got me smiling as i had come up with the idea to do specific shots as point of view of one of the characters in the video.

Another thing that really moved us as a group is when she had said 'it nelly made me go into tears' this was said and we as group could not believe it. We did not know that we would be able to create a video which almost made a view go into tears. Below is a screenshot of one of the moving scenes that our 'fan' really loved:

After listening to the feedback it gave me a really different view to the video that we had created. I had first thought that we had done okay and maybe could've made a big improvement. However after listening to the feedback and hearing things such as 'best of our chosen genre.' Hearing these things really made me realise how well we have actually done and how we have come up with something almost amazing.

Another thing that shocked me is after we had finished our video the reactions from our teachers really excited me. I remember the teacher had said 'it is just of perfect', saying this really made me and my group feel proud of what we had done.

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