Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Analysis of 3 advertisements:

You can see above the advertisement from Rihanna of her album Rated R, the first thing that i noticed when i first looked at it was the continuity between the album and her advert, this is what all artists try and do because you need to make clear and distinct links between the album and the advert, another thing that i noticed was the colour scheme, because it is more or less exactly the same as the colours used on the album. It is really important that you make the poster for your target audience and in this case she has because her fan base mainly consists of young people who like pop.

The album advertisment from katy perry of her album one of the boys really does make strong links between the album and the poster because she is wearing the same clothes that she wore in the music video for one of the songs on the album, This is a particularly good advertisment because it really does appeal to her target audience, because her style of music is really about having fun and we can get that impression as soon as we look at the advert because of the colour scheme used, the setting and the chose of clothing. When compared to the advert of Rihanna we can see that the biggest difference is colour which is really important because they are both trying to promote their albums to their fan base who are into two completely different styles of music.  

Green Day are a american rock band, and from this advert we can see that they are appealing to their fan base made up of young adults who are into rock, it is really important that the audience know what genre of music that the band are into which is why from the picture that take up a full half of the advert, as soon as i laid eyes on that picture the first thing that i thought about was rock, and that is exactly what they did it, we can also see from the colour scheme the main colour are red and white, Red is a important colour to use because it represents pain and suffering and blood, i feel like this was intended to attract rock lovers who may not of heard from the band before.

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