Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Ancillary Production Work

Introduction to Digipak

What is a Digipak?

A Digipak is a modernised approach into CD packaging which allows inclusion of more information about the artist which will create an connection/bond with the audience. Therefore leaving them wanting to buy the album. It is also an different advertising technique.

What should the Front&Back include:

  1. Artists name in a large and clear font. (Most important thing!)
  2. Track listing
  3. Promotional sticker
  4. Product information: Copyright, Logo/name, producer, record label, Website, Tour dates, Reviews.

Digipak style:

  1. 3-4 colourse maximum
  2. Interesting graphic design
  3. 2 Fonts
  4. Visually eye catching 

An example of Digipak:

On the left is an example of what a CD Digipak looks like.

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