Sunday, 23 September 2012

Task 6: Laura Mulvey's

" In a world ordered by sexual imbalance, pleasure in looking has been split between active/male and passive females. The determining male gaze projects its fantasy onto the female figure which is styled accordingly." (Laura Mulvey, 1992)

Laura Mulvey is suggesting that gender representations are used within music videos to gain a particular response from the male or female audiences. As the women are "styled accordling" i.e portrayed to suit a males fantasy. We suggest that the"Male gaze" is the male audience. An example of a representation used to suit the male gaze may be a lot of slim cury women dressed in tight or barely any clothing revealing their femine assests. As the audience we consume the representation by either 'reading' or 'deconstructing' from the representations interpreting our thoughts based on our own individual cultural refrences and understandings.

On the representation of gender Laura Mulvey also discusses the idea that women are "dismembered" in all forms of the media within our society as women singular body features are becoming more of a focus other than their body as a whole this bring us back to the idea of determing the male gaze.

An example of this is Flo Rida- Whistel

This is an example of dismemering as most of the women in this video are shown to be dismembered as they are "styled accordling" by wearing bikini's focusing mainly on the womens physique and feminie body part. Down below are clearer example of this:

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