My favourite music video from last year was Poppy, Charon, Nick and Mustafa's one who created a music video to one of Florence and the machine's songs. I really liked their music video as I found it really interesting and entertaing to watch, which is one of the main purposes music videos are suppose to achieve to their chosen audience. I thought it was good for many reasons as you can tell a lot of time and preperation, hard work and decision making was invovled before creating the music video. I thought that their chosen locations worked well with the song choice, especially the base track created in the woods as it really enhanced the meaning and the idea within the lyrics about letting yourself go and running free. I thought that they used many base tracks which worked well with the editing as they edited it to the beat of the song, creating a structure based around that the verses of the song was filmed in front of the many projections displaying different images or on the floor covered with lights, where as the chorus of the song was filmed in the woods which relates back to the idea of running free. On top of this I thought that they had really thought of costume and make up as for every base track she had a either a new dress or a new make up design. The technical skills which I felt they did well on was the framing of each shots, different varried of shots from close ups and long shots, editing to the beat of the song and the use of transitions such as the girl running through the woods. Overall I think that they managed to sell their music video to the the correct target audience which was young people and their product was clear to the target audience that it was a product of a solo female of the genre of indie rock.

Below are 2 of the many based tracks used for their music video.
< This is one of the transition they applied, this was the slow motion edit they used of the girl on the swing.
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